Our Identity | AssoLog Environmental Services


Undifferentiated Collection Bin | ASSOLOG
Waste Compactor | ASSOLOG
Movable Insulated Box | ASSOLOG
Waste Collection Truck | ASSOLOG

AssoLog srl is a company in constant evolution. The world of our services revolves around fitting, whether customization or repairs, of isothermal vehicles as well as around waste management. The art of renewing itself and reinventing itself is at the very essence of the company philosophy. Founded in 1986, through the years, the company has adapted to the needs of the territory and of its customers, whereas what has remained unchanged is the focus on safety and on sustainable development. Over time we have built our reputation on quality, through a system of certifications and authorizations that has driven us towards constant improvement and growth. Our activity began with the first experiences in the fiberglass sector, which we employed for repairs of isothermal vans, isothermal panels molding and insulation of vans. In 1990, we extended fiberglass use to recycling dumpsters, effectively entering the environmental services and ecology sector. The various tenders won for waste urban solid waste and recyclable waste dumpsters maintenance, led the management to set up a second plant in 1998. Since 2000, we have been granted authorization to both temporary storage and storage of waste. Through our specialized center we carry out waste collection and transport, thanks to our efficient equipment and vast fleet of vehicles.

In 2010, our consolidated experience in the field of environmental services allowed us to obtain authorization for R12 Recovery Operations for toner collection.

Our Main Activities

Body and isothermal boxes

In our body shop we are able to perform fiberglass repairs on all kinds and makes of vans (both Italian and foreign), in gelcoat and paint. We specialize in the reconstruction of missing parts (doors, edges, walls) due to accidents or physical damage of any kind.

We make internal fiberglass lining and insulation for vehicles used for medical drugs transport (DL.gs 06/07/99 a legislative decree), for flowers and plants transport, for transport in compliance with HACCP (93/43 a CEE directive) as well as for food transport.

Our greatest success, however, remains the internal production of small isothermal boxes, which are approved as swap bodies under the category of reinforced isothermal refrigerated vans (ATP-cat. IR.). This kind of product can be highly customized thanks to our skilled employees’ professionalism and expertise.

Enviromental services

As for environmental services, we produce and sell thermoplastic containers for the collection of spent batteries, expired medical drugs, paper, plastic, glass, cans and other kinds of waste. We design and build outdoors furniture sets in recycled plastic for parks, for rest stops along roads, for ecological pitches and playgrounds. Registration for transport on behalf of third parties allows us to collect and manage hazardous and non-hazardous waste. The equipment purchased over time allows us to guarantee micro-collection services for the different categories of WEEE (refrigerators, computers, small appliances and exhausted light sources). We are also able to carry out integrated waste management activities at private companies’ sites offering timely service.


Territory and relations with partners

AssoLog srl works closely with waste collection companies in the area of ​​Reggio Emilia and the surrounding area.

In collaboration with Eco-recuperi, toner collection service is guaranteed in the areas managed by Enia Reggio Emilia srl ​​and Hera Modena.

AssoLog srl is UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 and 14001: 2004 certified, as ensuring quality to our customers remains the cornerstone of our past, our present and our future.