Agricultural Collection - ASSOPLAST


AssoLog takes care of the collection of waste from the agricultural sector, which can be classified, according to the current regulations, as special.

What is Agricultural Waste?

It is the waste deriving from agricultural and agro-industrial activities such as agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, hunting, fishing and forestry.

The most common non-hazardous special waste is:

  1. plastic materials (nylon, hoses, greenhouses, PVC pipes for irrigation)
  2. packaging in paper, cardboard, plastic, wood and metal (seed - fertilizers – feed bags, fruit crates, nursery gardening containers)
  3. exhausted vegetable oils

  4. sedimentation sludge and livestock manure not used for agronomic purposes
  5. used tires (managed by the consortium)
  6. reclaimed pesticide containers
  7. vegetable waste in general not intended for re-use in normal agricultural practices.

The most dangerous special waste produced is:

  1. spent oils from engines, brakes, hydraulic transmissions;
  2. exhausted batteries
  3. vehicles and cars to be scrapped
  4. no more usable pesticides is

  5. non-reclaimed pesticide containers

  6. expired or unusable drugs for zootechnical use

Among the different kinds of agricultural waste, some types have characteristics similar to the most common urban waste, and are therefore comparable to the latter also at the regulatory level.

Data taken from the CER lists (European Waste Catalog).

Agricultural Trash Disposal| ASSOLOG
Special Agricultural Trash Collection | ASSOLOG